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Types of Aluminium Windows

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Windows are a core part of any property, and aluminium windows, in particular, have begun to get more and more popular year after year.

While there are dozens of different window options to choose from on the market, it is hard to deny how ubiquitous aluminium windows are.

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We specialise in delivering the best possible window options for every client, with aluminium windows being a common choice for any kind of property. But what do they offer that makes them so desirable?

What are the Different Types of Aluminium Windows?

There are various types of aluminium windows to choose from in the modern market, each of which provides its own specific benefits and quirks. Like any addition to your property, it is important to understand which options might suit your needs best and why.

Aluminium is relatively affordable, durable, reliable, and can be used in countless different window designs. This has made it perfect for a variety of different designs but still affordable and versatile enough to work for basically any window.

Our team have experience with countless past projects, and our experts understand how different styles of window can influence the property they are installed into. From residential homes to commercial buildings, it is important to choose the right windows for each space.

Aluminium Bi Fold Windows

Aluminium bi fold windows are a very common window design in modern homes. These are the bigger windows that slide inwards like concertina windows, allowing multiple panels to be flattened against one side for much larger window openings.

These are some of the more complex aluminium windows designs on the market but also serve as ultra-modern aluminium windows that act as a nice replacement for conventional horizontal designs.

Aluminium Stacking Windows

Aluminium stacking windows, or folding-sliding windows, are a larger equivalent to bi-folding sliding windows that have a much taller window frame. These are often used in the same way as bifold windows but aim for a fully unobstructed view and an easy opening system.

These are commonly chosen for their modern elegance and the way that they can open a room up to outdoor spaces, but they can also be costly and take some time to install.

Aluminium Sliding Windows

Aluminium simple sliding windows are generally able to open horizontally, allowing you to quickly open them up for fresh air and close them down when it gets cold. While simple, they offer a much more straightforward system, similar to the ones used by sliding doors.

With the right modern aesthetics and proper security features, these aluminium sliding windows can be ideal for any property that needs easy-to-open windows that will not take up unnecessary space or get in the way of other furniture choices.

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Tilt Turn Windows

Aluminium tilt-turn windows open by swinging at an angle, either from the top or from the side. These are a good option for smaller homes where space is at a premium since they can open either horizontally or vertically with only a twist of the handle.

These aluminium tilt-turn windows are ideal for keeping the modern aesthetic without overcomplicating your windows, giving you an easy two-direction opening system that can be swung open fully if you need a completely open window.

Aluminium Casement Windows

Aluminium casement windows are attached to the frame by one or more hinges and open outwards, swinging the entire window out from the frame. These are ideal for people who need something even simpler than tilt-turn windows and just want a window that they can open up and close with very little effort.

Aluminium casement windows are quick and simple, serving as ideal window systems for any home where “normal” frames are good enough.

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Slimline Aluminium Windows

Slimline windows aim to be the slimmest windows available, using incredibly narrow and minimalist window frames that maximize the amount of glass in the design. This means more natural light and a much greater level of visibility, usually with a sleek modern design.

Slimline windows are the best window types for maximizing your view and making sure that the frames do not block sunlight, especially from harsh angles.

Aluminium Fixed Frame Windows

Fixed frame windows are completely sealed windows that can’t open. These replace the ability to open them with a low-maintenance and thermally efficient design that can focus on being completely sealed, meaning no vulnerable moving parts or reliance on a lock.

These are excellent windows for any space where light is all that is needed, whether they are used alone or supplementing another window that can open.

Aluminium Side Hung Windows

Side-hung windows have hinges on the side of the window frame, meaning that they can swing out easily. These only move in a horizontal direction but are perfect for getting immediate ventilation when you need it and provide a simple option for any home that needs opening windows.

These windows are great for a clean opening, giving you an easy way to get the window open with no extra steps or awkward hinges necessary.

Aluminium Top Hung Windows

Top-hung windows swing out from the top, meaning that the bottom opens up first. These provide easy ventilation while also making sure that the window is not catching rain or leaves, making them much more convenient in bad weather.

Again, these are very simple windows that can be opened incredibly easily, with a vertical movement meaning that the window can swing out very quickly.

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Aluminium Pivot Window Frames

Pivot window frames pivot across the middle, meaning that the entire pane rotates instead of being hinged at one side. These are great for getting extra ventilation due to how heat moves through the frame, and the pivot makes it easy to adjust the window to be as open or as closed as needed.

These are also very secure since they can’t swing open wide enough for somebody to climb inside if the window is left open.


Which Aluminium Window is Best?

Each window type is good for its own specific purpose. Some offer maximum ventilation or work well for insulation, while others are better for their architectural styles or their modern appearance. Each window we provide has a very different kind of role in whatever property it is for.

This means that it is important to choose aluminium windows that suit your needs, whether that means secure ventilation for fresh air without risk or thermal breaks to retain heat. Knowing what you are looking for ahead of time makes this significantly easier.

Every property has its own style, size, space and security requirements to consider. Each of our aluminium windows is able to satisfy different needs at the cost of others, and there are no “perfect” aluminium window frames for every situation.

For example, horizontal sliding windows might be one of the simplest options if you have limited space. However, a casement window can be more versatile, and aluminium tilt-turn windows are great for getting varied ventilation.

This means that every one of our aluminium sliding windows, tilting windows and other aluminium window frames serves a different role. We are able to help homeowners find the right window type for each project based entirely on what they are looking for and the limitations of their own budget.

Are All Aluminium Windows the Same?

All aluminium windows are not the same.

They all share the same basic benefits, such as being decently affordable and very durable. However, different types of aluminium windows can vary in the openings and appearance.

This includes different styles and designs, different aluminium window frames, and even the kind of pre-planning that new aluminium windows require to be installed properly. Each of our window systems is meant for a different kind of space and situation, and choosing the right one is important.

For example, some aluminium window systems – such as sliding windows – are the best if you want an aluminium window that can slide open easily. However, aluminium casement windows open out wide like door frames, which might be more suitable for your current building project.

Aluminium windows with multiple panels may be more durable, whereas aluminium windows with single panes of glass may provide more natural light. Fixed-frame aluminium windows are virtually maintenance-free, whereas aluminium tilt-turn windows may need to be maintained more often.

What are the Different Types of Aluminium Windows Frames Glass?

The most popular aluminium window frame glass includes float glass, laminated glass and tempered glass.

All three of these are common in most aluminium windows, although some aluminium window systems use other glass types depending on how they are supposed to be used and maintained.

The other major decision is in glazing options – for example, triple or double glazing. Triple-glazing new windows makes them even better for preventing unwanted heat transfer but costs more than double-glazed windows would.

While this does not just apply to aluminium windows, it is important to decide between triple-glazing and double-glazing relatively early. It is much cheaper to have an aluminium window glazed right away, and that means considering the budget that you are under and the kind of weather that you expect.

What are the Advantages of Aluminium Windows?

The advantages of aluminium windows include durability, colour options, locking mechanisms and more.

Aluminium windows are durable and more affordable than other window options, as well as being clearly modern. Thanks to their range of colour options and straightforward modern design, aluminium windows can work in basically any modern home.

This also means that they are a very common choice of frame for any kind of window overall, whether that is bi-fold windows with multi-point locking systems or straightforward aluminium sliding windows.

Aluminium windows cost more than some much cheaper options but offer a good balance of durability and price without compromising quality. They are also versatile enough to work for any kind of window, from casement windows to bi-fold windows, without needing highly complex and expensive designs.

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This makes aluminium bi-fold windows significantly cheaper than if you were getting non-aluminium bi-fold windows using a more costly window material. This can make it an affordable option if you want something durable that is not excessively expensive since aluminium does not need to be replaced for a long time.

Aluminium windows are also low-maintenance and tend to have a long lifespan, with some windows lasting for more than 60 years. After this point, they can be almost completely recycled and replaced very quickly, offering far better quality than uPVC windows.

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Do Aluminium Windows Need Maintenance?

Aluminium windows are low maintenance.

As long as aluminium windows are cleaned every month or two, they remain in basically perfect condition. This applies to most designs, whether that is fixed frames or casement windows.

Damage is obviously a problem that can be more severe – for example, damage to the double-glazing lowering energy efficiency. However, the reasonable cost of a typical aluminium window makes it easy to replace any damaged panes on a budget.

Specific window types may need more maintenance than others, but this is dependent on the windows themselves and not the window material. Remember that certain windows may have more moving parts than others or might require more frequent repairs due to how they work.

Are Aluminium Windows Good For Trapping Heat?

Modern aluminium windows offer great energy efficiency, with options like triple-glazed windows pushing this energy efficiency even higher.

Most aluminium windows can provide great thermal efficiency without needing any special quirks or additional features, but this depends on the exact design.

Anything that can boost a window’s thermal and energy efficiency, such as glazing, also applies to aluminium windows. This means that homeowners have options when working with these windows, such as deciding to have any of the window styles double-glazed for better heat retention.

While older aluminium windows were not very energy efficient, modern designs try to make each aluminium window as efficient as possible. This still depends on the exact style – for example, casement windows may not be as efficient as fixed frames.

Overall, a typical aluminium window is still going to work well at retaining heat, especially if you have put effort into making sure that your windows are properly insulated and glazed as needed.

Are Aluminium Windows Expensive?

The cost of aluminium windows depends heavily on the kind of windows that you are getting. Concertina sliding windows with complex multi-point locking systems are going to cost more than basic casement windows, but they are so different that there is no reason to really compare them in that way.

Different window types have different key features. For example, some have sliding panels that may be more costly to install, whereas others will use pivoting panels rather than sliding panels, that are cheaper when working with a window of the same size.

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This all depends on what you actually want from your windows and how specific you are trying to get with your needs. Each type mentioned above has a very different average price point, so it is important to do some research before you decide.

Are All Aluminium Window Frames Similar?

The frames used in most aluminium windows are similar, right down to colour options.

This means that you may have a range of different natural finishes and powder-coated colours.

Most aluminium windows are made with modern colour choices, meaning powder-coated shades like white, bronze, black and silver. However, there are always other powder-coated and paint-applied colours to work with if you are looking for a specific colour scheme.

Even if frames are similar, the windows within them are not. Even a small design change can alter how much natural light a room receives overall or change the amount of ventilation that you can give yourself when you really need it.

Remember that every home, homeowner and project will have different requirements. Some homes need larger frames, others need compact and slimmed-down ones, and some may even require unique shapes depending on the room in which the windows are meant to be installed.

There are countless ways to choose and install windows in your home, but it is important to think about what you actually want from the project. Going in with a plan is the best way to find windows that actually suit your needs.


All of the window options mentioned here are entirely suitable for a range of properties, whether those are residential homes or commercial and industrial buildings. However, they are all drastically different, and each fills different roles.

Our team know how to guide each of our clients towards the right aluminium windows for their needs, taking into account things like the amount of space they have available and the total budget that they are working under. As experts in the field, we understand how to find the best option for every customer.

If you want to know more about what we can offer you or the kinds of windows that we are able to supply, get in contact with our team to learn more. We are always happy to provide customers with the help they need, especially if they are looking for a very particular kind of window design.

Remember: the sooner you can get in touch, the sooner we can help you find the best window options for your property.

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